Word Document Customization
Customizing Word document generation
Getting Started with Word
Ghostwriter uses template documents and the Jinja2 template language (https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/) to give you as much control over document generation as possible.
Learn more about managing report templates here:
Report TemplatesYou will need to upload at least one Word document to use as a template. Once you have a template uploaded, open you report and select the template from the dropdown menu under the Generate Reports section. You should see a notification when the template selection is saved. You can then click the Word icon to generate a report.
Depending on the size of your report and template, rendering can take a few seconds. Once the report is done, your browser will download a new Word document.
The default filename will be: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_CLIENT-NAME_ASESSMENT-TYPE.docx
Word Templates
Your templates can be simple documents or complete reports. You can convert those to Ghostwriter templates if you currently manage one or more report templates for different projects.
One of the simplest examples of how Ghostwriter can save a team time and effort is replacements. You can create complex dynamic Word templates for Ghostwriter, but the most basic Jinja2 expression is a simple variable, like this one: {{ report_date }}
Ghostwriter will replace every instance of {{ report_date }}
in your template with the current date (e.g., October 31, 2020). The replacement does not affect any formatting or styling, so this variable becomes the current date and keeps the original font style, color, and placement.
Everything seen in the report JSON is accessible as a variable within your template. You can also use additional variables, filters, and expressions to refine or customize the report content.
You decide what to include in your templates.
Learn more about the available filters, expressions, and variables in this section:
Word Template VariablesInserting Evidence
Ghostwriter will insert any evidence files you have added to your findings. The report will have the evidence file's contents followed by your caption. The default behavior is slightly different for images and text.
Inline Image Evidence
The report engine will insert images with the following default characteristics:
6.5" wide (full page width)
Center aligned
1pt border
Figure caption using: Figure – Your Caption
Inline Text Evidence
The report engine will insert text evidence with the following default characteristics:
Applies Code Block style
Left aligned text (per above style)
1pt border
Figure caption using: Figure – Your Caption
You can edit the weight and color of image borders and the character that follows Figure in the global report configuration.
Configuring Global Report OptionsLast updated